There is no such place.
I wear it when I go running so that people will say "Gee, those Rothman U alumni sure are fit!"
My winter hat is a black watch-cap like what longshoremen and people in the Navy on North Atlantic patrol wear.
My cute little student aide, Caitlyn, thinks I look like a mass murderer when I wear my winter hat.
What she doesn't know is that I look like a mass-murderer in pretty much anything. I just got that mean look. I'd look like a mass murderer in a cowboy hat, or a straw boater.
Actually, I look pretty damn good in a cowboy hat. Just to prove it, here's a picture of me with some of my bitches back in 1982:
I kind of do look like him, except I'm younger and better looking, and in better shape. Maybe I should go out to Hollywood and take a job as his stunt double? I figure I've got a decade of rough housing left in me.
Anyway, I'm glad the warm weather is here in Chicago. Only a few more snow storms left, and then it will be Spring.
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