There is increasing evidence that people are becoming less intelligent. I assumed it was offloading of brain functions to the digital but no. There is reduced skill in the rational arts and critical evaluation. Could this be a result of the shift from analog to digital media? This is more than kids cant' read handwriting let alone read, this is kids have attentions spans of monkeys becuase of those tiny video screens they look at.
If so, we are destined for Idiocracy if we aint there already. Robots behind the scenes running civiliation and hiding from humans that would vandalize them. Of course, the robots aren't here, which Elon et al was counting on. An AGI plugged in to some robot form to perform human toil and ingenuity. And thus, the filthy rich can get rid of us feral food powered robots and live forever.
That taint' working out so well. Maybe they should have made the chatbots better but too late. The bubble is acoming on this kentucky fried fiasco, and not the laying of the egg we expected.
Other things. I have sciatica. (Al Pacino in Dog Day Afternoon Sciatica).
It started from winter inactivity but progressed despite exercises to the point I went to the docotr about it. Being Viking on both sides of the family meant igh pain threshold but yeah this is beyond discomfort to intolerable. We Kurmans have to get to that point.
No drugs. I self medicate anyway. Physical therapy starts Thursday.
I think our lack of engagement with the natural world, our labor saving devices, our no longer having to think to survive is the culprit. We're fat and lazy. My neighbor complains about the young 20 something kids he hires in the pipe factory that are unfit, can't even stand without leaning on something while they gaze at their phones. Told 3 of them to follow him up 3 flights of stairs to accomplish some bit of work. They had to stop and rest at each landing. He had the job done and was heading down by the time they made it up. We are definitely getting dumber, less fertile, and more incapable of surviving. Yay for the modern world. Which is reverting to the age old landed gentry and serfs.