Wednesday, November 13, 2024

All Is Lost

I broke up a fight in my class. Well, not a fight but a pushing and shouting match. I did the drill instructor number on the two of these voting age adults. One of them actually said "He started it!"

And you wonder why Trump won. 

In the age of bullshit, improvise.

The world of 500 years ago, even 100 years ago would to our eyes be an ostentatious abundance, a startling abundance of life. 

We live in a poverty world, caused by our own selfish tastes, not learning; therefore doomed. No amount of prepper prepping or billionaire bunkering is going to help out. The bottleneck is coming, but it can be postponed. Is it worth it? 

It's not too late. All we have to do is stop killing everything. Nature knows how to bounce back after four billion years of knockdowns. Take the sharks as an example, once as numerous as passenger pigeons or buffalo, many are now classified Critically Endangered. Their populations have been decimated by 95% since the 1980s. Pelagic sharks, ocean going sharks have suffered the worst due to industrial fishing.

We are closer than we think to fisheries collapse. The industry response is to fish down the food chain, and currently krill is now on the menu. If we aint heading towards Soylent Green, I don't know what.

Zooming in to the USA, does the choice of a Trump or Harris, Republican or Democratic regime make any difference? The answer is mostly no, but ah there's that mostly.

Biden's Big Fucking Deal that is building 5 trillion in infrastructure is what Trump should have done in 2017. Period. Hard to cancel since it beneifts so many red districts. Biden was old, not stupid.

But the Trump regime had blow jobs and hand jobs to get out of the way, to satisfy the donor class or else. And Putin*

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, with mediocre GDP growth but boy did the rich get richer? And Infrastructure Week was a tired joke. So, this is a problem again. It's amazing how all these consumers just throw their money at these frauds. I mean, when I hear the word entrepreneur, I reach for my revolver. And check for my wallet. 

The biggest worry is that our economy shows no sign of slowing, and after we get over the AI bubble, there is every indication of another roaring twenties. That would accelerate the killing, putting collapse as early as 2032. Biology and medicine are making stunning progress and I wouldn't be surprised if things along the lines of rejuvenation pills or something within the decade.

If you hate Boomers now, just wait. 


  1. *Putin. Definitely has kompromat on Trump, blackmail material for sure. Trump always caves.

  2. rejuvenation pills won't do us much good when the biosphere collapses. I figure those that survive will tunnel underground like in all the science fictions books I read. what a dreary existence that will be. last time I was in the hospital one of the nurses told me that babies born today will regularly live to be 100.
