And now, the Fox hypocrites like stupid Sarah Palin are trying to fool Americans that this is a 1st amendment issue. That Phil Robertson is being discriminated against because of his religious convictions.
Utter horseshit, and I'm embarrassed for America that Sarah & Co. thinks we are all dumb enough to buy her dumb, stupid, shit-for-brains crappy argument. (And I'm not going to waste time and effort coming up with inventive and colorful insults for Stupid Sarah).
See, this is clearly a private property issue. General Electric, which owns a majority share in Gurney Productions, which produces Duck Dynasty, and owns A&E broadcasting company, has decided that Phil Robertson should not be on their show. Let's stress that. THEIR - GE's - show, as they own the intellectual property, pay for all production costs, the actor's (yes, friends, the Robertsons are actors walking their way through contrived and staged situations) salaries, own all distribution rights, etc. etc.
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Remember folks, these are not Mountain men, these are 21st century poodles playing at Mountain man |
Swift and shameless Cathedral apologetics JK....,
ReplyDeleteYou said a whole lot there, cousin.
ReplyDeleteOh, I misinterpreted your response. It was pretty obvious from the start that this was all engineered for publicity by GE, seeing as all those bored rubes and yokels, stuck in domestic holiday hell, would lap up a DD weekend marathon with the patriarch under artificial fire. The whole show is tightly scripted, the southern yuppies' images carefully cultivated, GE has their property under such control, the controversy so conveniently engineered, that Pavlov himself couldn't have rung a better bell. The point of my piece was how easily American Chumps are distracted and manipulated with irrelevancies. If you went to call it apologetics, fine. As a counter-charge, I've got to wonder how you got distracted into defending sloppy thinking?
DeleteI define sloppy thinking and impotent irrelevancy as anyone pretending indignity over mid-60's year old southern white white women saying "nigger", and southern white men saying they don't cotton to sodomy. That the Cathedral makes much ado about what to me rises to the level of observing that "water is wet", in the first instance getting away with pillorying Paula Deen about whose utterances I couldn't give 1/1000th of a dayyum, as long as her fried chicken is on point, and then returning to the same fount of neverending trivia.
DeleteMSNBC is the dominant mainstream media purveyor of Cathedral indignity, howling and yowling anytime anybody looks askance at the deviant, dysgenic, and degenerate "commons". The only property issue in play here is that GE owns all the human livestock and plays with its sensibilities like it was running a political feed lot. So, if, as you claim in retrospect, GE engineered this whole little boondoggle to drive holiday ratings, then, I'm going to say they did a very fine job of distracting and overwhelming majority of their two-legged cattle from the serious, existential political issues that the deuterostomes need to be fixated on.
Well then, let's hope those poor, oppressed, downtrodden media creatures will experience less outrage and inconvenience in 2014. And you have a good 2014 as well.
Deleteand you sir - be vigilant and mindful of gestalts in the new year!
DeleteExcellent piece. I've never seen this show, either. I don't have cable tv anymore. I was so disgusted by what was ON cable tv, and so disgusted by the steadily increasing cost of cable tv that I cancelled it a couple years ago and got an antenna. Which, by the way, gives me great reception for the standard network channels and a couple of odd ball old time movie channels. Which is more than enough tv "entertainment" for me.
ReplyDeleteBut, back to your essay: your point is excellent, and your caption is hilarious. Thanks.
You are welcome. After watching some parts of it this weekend, it's pretty damned obvious that DD (like all "reality" shows) is a fraud, and anyone who can expand their attention span beyond a minute or so should be able to pick up on that.
DeleteI don't even think people care about teh "real" part of "reality" tv. They just want to watch weirdos and misbehavior to gloat and cackle. I watched some reality tv, back when I had cable. In fact, that was the other reason (other than the ridicualosly ever-rising cost of it) I quit cable. I found such shows (Real Housewives of...fill in the blank, etc.) eerily mesmerizing, as I gloated an cackled over their idiotic displays. And then I would feel hollow and depressed and vaguely guilty after watching them. It was a lot like how I feel after gorging on some particularly unhealthy junk food (cheese doodles come to mind). I honestly felt that watching those shows made me a worse human being.
ReplyDeleteAnd now we have a society where everyone wants to be a reality star, a celebrity based on being as crass and craven as possible, and these wannabes frantically pursue it by revealing their most humiliating secrets, or most private moments, in the hopes of snagging a few minutes attention on youtube. Phil Donohue and Oprah started the ball rolling 30 years ago, featuring miserable people with miserable stories for the slathering entertainment of millions, and it's been barreling downhill at an ever-increasing pace on reality shows and youtube and facebook and twitter and snap chat ever since.
More and more I feel like dropping out.
And you have a good 2014!
DeleteI haven't had cable since 1996 and miss it not in the slightest. What I've got to wonder is, where are those thousands in savings from not paying out for cable?