Thursday, May 24, 2012

Down Time

In my 53 years of running, I have had maybe three injuries - none of them serious. Now, we are on number four. I turned my left foot on some irregular terrain this past Saturday. It hurt like hell for all of thirty seconds, and then, walking on it, it felt a little better. I considered continuing the run, but instead walked the two miles home and then immediately iced it.

Sunday morning, it had swolled up to twice its normal size, making me look like I got snake bit. At first I was hobbling around thinking I'd need to get a cane, but then, it started to feel a little better, and I was able to get it into a very loose tennis shoe. So, I went into the studio and worked a few hours. After a while, it really started to hurt, so I went home and iced it.

Monday, I was able to get it into an unlaced boot, which I figured was good as the ankle was now swelling, and the toes were turning purple. Nothing alarming, just tertiary bruising, and after working all day, I went home and ice it.

You get the idea. It's still swollen, I've given up icing it. And I've also given up the idea that I would be running this weekend. It may be two weeks before I run again. Then again, it may be a month.

This bums me out.

I suspect I would be even more freaked out about my foot if I had happened to see the slow motion video of it hyperextended and nearly 90 degrees to my leg. Good thing I didn't see that. I'd probably not run for the rest of the year.


  1. dude, if you could get on any kind of shoe, it did not swell up like it was snake bit. I know.

    1. You know, I thought about your run-in with the cottonmouth when I wrote that phrase "snake bit". I even remember the pictures of your foot you posted. No comparison at all, in fact, mine looks normal compared to yours. But still, it's an expression, and my left foot looks weird next tot the right one.

  2. mebbe it wants a break from all the running and wants you to look into some pilates for a change of pace?

  3. Dude, ride a bike for a while (I know... not the same feel because of the lack of impact but you won't feel as though the pounds are just sitting on you.).

    1. I've taken to fast walking and using the elliptical machine at the college gym. I suspect I am done running for at least the month, probably two. (Three weeks on and it is still sore and a little swollen).
